Perceptron Linear model trained file format

Any document to explain the format of a trained model text file like this :slight_smile:

/4 0.66503906 -0.33203125 -0.3330078 0.0
/中4 -0.3330078 0.3330078 0.0 0.0
/中5 0.33203125 -0.33203125 0.0 0.0
/邁4 -0.3330078 0.0 0.3330078 0.0
/邁5 0.3330078 0.0 -0.3330078 0.0
1 0.66503906 -0.33203125 -0.3330078 0.0
/7 -0.3330078 0.0 0.33203125 9.765625E-4
3 -0.3330078 0.0 0.33203125 9.765625E-4
(/附4 0.3330078 -0.3330078 0.0 0.0
(/附5 -0.3330078 0.0 0.0 0.3330078
(/附6 0.0 0.0 -0.3330078 0.3330078
(/附7 0.0 -0.3330078 0.3330078 0.0

You can refer to 《自然语言处理入门》, Chapter 5.

Thanks, I just buy one and will read it. Have a nice day.
