Bridging Perception, Memory, and Inference through Semantic Relations

This short paper tries to support a triadic design of future hybrid systems with neural models as perception, KB as memory and inference engine as inference backbone. Their argument is that probing the concatenation of object and subject contextualized word embeddings cannot predict their relation.


  • The probing method is poorly designed since contextualized word embedding requires a context rather than two words.
  • Even for a short paper, the content is insufficient to support such a bold claim.
  • Some typings are wired, e.g., ROBERTa, word2vec v.s. Word2Vec.
  • 5: Transformative: This paper is likely to change our field. It should be considered for a best paper award.
  • 4.5: Exciting: It changed my thinking on this topic. I would fight for it to be accepted.
  • 4: Strong: I learned a lot from it. I would like to see it accepted.
  • 3.5: Leaning positive: It can be accepted more or less in its current form. However, the work it describes is not particularly exciting and/or inspiring, so it will not be a big loss if people don’t see it in this conference.
  • 3: Ambivalent: It has merits (e.g., it reports state-of-the-art results, the idea is nice), but there are key weaknesses (e.g., I didn’t learn much from it, evaluation is not convincing, it describes incremental work). I believe it can significantly benefit from another round of revision, but I won’t object to accepting it if my co-reviewers are willing to champion it.
  • 2.5: Leaning negative: I am leaning towards rejection, but I can be persuaded if my co-reviewers think otherwise.
  • 2: Mediocre: I would rather not see it in the conference.
  • 1.5: Weak: I am pretty confident that it should be rejected.
  • 1: Poor: I would fight to have it rejected.

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